Email Integration in PEGA
3 min readJul 18, 2021
In order to send the feedback to the user, we can use E-mail services provided by PEGA.
Before including the E-mail integration in our case type, we can first configure a email address for our current project.
- First, go to Dev Studio -> Configure -> Integration -> Email -> Email Accounts.

- Here, we can fill the details of the email from which the user will receive the information.

- The Email Service Provider can be selected (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo etc ).

- In the sender section, the Email Address, Name, SMTP host and port (Refer to the net for the port) shall be entered.
- If there is a receiving section, the same shall also be provided.
- If the connection status is a failure, try to change the Default Account into the same requirements (Email, Name, SMTP details, etc) and then check the connection status (The same worked for me).
- Now, go to the Case Type where the email integration has to be implemented.

- Here, I have auto-generated a PDF which will be attached within the email.
- For creating a PDF, select the step for the same and then:

- Specify the Section which has to be included in the PDF and specify the category of attachment.
- Now, create the email step:

- Here, you can specify the email address to which the following data should be send to.
- We are allowed to create a custom message to be send with the email.

- Now, specify if there are any attachments to be included and then save the case type.
- Now, Create a new case and then run to check if all is working fine.